Each of us at Royal Petroleum, has a moral obligation to safeguard each other, our customers and the environment by aspiring to operate a safe, injury free and healthy workplace serving in Oil & Gas supplying that is always safe to maintain OH&S and to minimize, our impact on the environment.
Our primary concern is the safety of our employees, our Buyers and the wider community by managing our people and our work practices in a safe and responsible way. As the very minimum we will comply with all relevant legislation and approved codes of practice.

To ensure best practice we have developed a common minimum operating standard and set of behaviors’ which will be practiced at every location we operate. These are based on the strictest regulatory requirements and industry best practice and are being introduced into all our operations and over the next three years will set the benchmark for our industry.
We will strive to continuously improve our performance and we will regularly measure compliance against these standards and implement performance objectives to assure our clients, customers and others who work with us that we are operating the safest environment possible.
I have set clear objectives and targets against which we will measure and report on our health and safety performance. Specifically, we will:
- Seek to prevent injury to any employee, Buyer.
- Conduct a full risk assessment as soon as practical in taking on any new contract.
- Consider the safety implications of our procurement decisions.
- Ensure that every employee is properly trained to safely perform their work.
We will also expect similarly high standards from our Buyers.
It is our responsibility as Royal Petroleum to ensure that the appropriate resources, including human and financial ones, are committed towards implementing this policy across all our operations and communicating our policies and standards to all our employees.
Our health and safety performance will be considered at every management meeting in Royal Petroleum and the Board will review this policy annually to ensure that it continues to reflect the aims and aspirations of the company. We will report annually in December on our progress.
Dr. Abdelbaset Shokr
Managing Director/Founder